Announcements #
People are busy, and Election Season can quickly slip up on them unaware. The local church can help by adding important dates to the church calendar and including them in the announcements during our services. These announcement might include:
- Encouraging voter registration
- Posting and announcing pending elections, dates, and deadlines
- Advocating for participation in primaries, conventions, caucuses, etc.
- Providing information on opportunities to serve at the polls
- Motivating people to personally invest time in learning about the candidates and their positions
- Encouraging attendance at meetings (schoolboard, county supervisors, etc.)
The church should have a representatives (or team of representatives) ready, willing, and able to help church members register, research the candidates, and find their polling places.
Candidate Visits #
Now that you know which districts are most heavily represented in your congregation, you also know which races and candidates should be of the greatest interest to them. Seeking out or accepting opportunities for those candidates to come to your church to meet and speak to the people offers a tremendous opportunity to bring current/future political leaders under the sound of the Gospel while also providing an opportunity for church members to meet them and learn their positions on important issues.
If constructed properly, these candidate visits can be a very effective ministry outreach to the candidates as well as an educational tool for the congregation. For example, as a stipulation you might require that the candidate agree to speak from the floor for 3-5 minutes, specifically mention his/her stance on the issues of “sanctity of life” and “traditional marriage”, stay for the entire service, and take questions in the lobby after the service until all of the people have departed.
God and Country Rally #
What is a “God and Country Rally?” you might ask. It is an event designed to get good people off of the sidelines and into the game.
Estimates indicate that there are some 40 million non-voting (many of whom are not even registered) people of faith across the United States. What would happen if just 5-10% of those non-voting people of faith got off the sidelines, registered to vote, got involved, showed up at the polls, and voted their values?
In 2020, the Faith Wins team swept through the churches of Virginia and registered over 70,000 new voters. And as you may recall, one of the major races in Virginia that year was decided by 63,500 votes.

Find a God and Country Rally happening near you; or better yet, schedule one to be hosted at your church!
Be sure to invite your neighboring churches to join you, and extend the invitation to your elected officials and candidates in your area.
These events:
- Educate the congregation on why and how they should be involved, serving as “salt and light” in their local community and government
- Give the people an opportunity to meet their representatives and candidates face-to-face, talk to them, and learn about them
- Bring elected representatives and candidates under the sound of the life-changing message of the Gospel.
It is important to emphasize that neither Faith Wins nor your church endorses any particular party or candidate…only faith-based values that unwaveringly support faith, family, and freedom. And we do believe that faith does indeed win when good people show up…and vote their values.
Biblical Citizenship Course #
This free online series entitled “Biblical Citizenship in Modern America” is offered by Patriot Academy. It is an inspiring opportunity to rendezvous with our Founding Fathers and learn more of their Biblical knowledge of our country’s Constitution, it’s ‘original intent,’ and our role as Biblical citizens.”

Many Americans — including Christians — are no longer familiar with the incredibly rich Christian heritage of this country. Many of our young people have been convinced through increasingly hostile secular education that America is not, and has never been, a Christian nation. Many have forgotten, or perhaps never knew, how reliant our Founding Fathers were on the wisdom and inspiration of the Bible in authoring the Declaration of Independence and framing our Constitution. God’s fingerprints are found all over our nation’s struggle for independence, its formative documents, and its subsequent history to this very day.
This tremendous course will help re-connect those dots in the minds and hearts of your congregation. There are options to:
- Take the course individually from home
- Take the course along with a group of fellow church members or neighbors, either all remotely or meeting together to view the classes together
- Incorporated into small-group or Sunday School studies
- And more
We are not aware of anyone who has taken this course that has not come away with a renewed awe and gratitude for God’s hand of protection, mercy, and grace upon our great nation.
Learn more by visiting Patriot Academy by clicking the link, or visiting our Resources page.

Contact us today if you are interested in any/all of these ideas and need help incorporating them at your church.
Our team has a policy and template that we have successfully implemented at our church, and we would love to share it with you.